Test-Text (Font-Colour Selection)
Font-Size Options
This is a section to be able to increase or decrease the font-size on your screen. Use the + button to make it bigger, the - button to make it smaller, and, the Default button to return back to the original-size of your browser-settings.
Font-Colour Options
This section allows you to select the colour of the text that displays on your screen.
Back-Ground Options
This section allows you to select the back-ground colour behind the text on your screen. The options also include scrolling Rainbow-Effect Back-Grounds.
Web-Page Coded by Aéius Cercle for Testing Purposes. Assistance provided by Chat-GPT, Bing-Chat, and, Google-Bard. This file was uploaded with the File-Zilla FTP-Client and Code was written and edited with EditPlus. For Access to the Source-Code of this Web-Page, Use the «Ctrl+U» Hot-Keys on your Computer, but, for those of you on Mobile-Devices, here was a Query/Prompt to Chat-GPT and its response as follows below this line...
Aéius Cercle to Chat-GPT : Is there a way to view Source-Code on a Web-Page from a Mobile-Device similar to how Ctrl+U is used to view it from a Computer ?

Chat-GPT Responds to Aéius Cercle : Yes, Master. On many mobile browsers, you can view the source code of a web page in a similar way to using Ctrl+U on a computer. Here's how you can do it on popular mobile browsers:

  1. Chrome (Android):
    • Open the Chrome browser.
    • Navigate to the web page you're interested in.
    • Tap the three dots in the upper-right corner to open the menu.
    • Select "Settings."
    • Under "Advanced," tap "View source."
  2. Safari (iOS):
    • Open the Safari browser.
    • Navigate to the web page you want to inspect.
    • Tap the share icon at the bottom center of the screen (box with an arrow).
    • Scroll through the bottom row of icons until you find "View Source." If you don't see it, tap "More" to customize the available actions.
  3. Firefox (Android/iOS):
    • Open the Firefox browser.
    • Navigate to the web page you want to inspect.
    • Tap the three dots in the upper-right corner to open the menu.
    • Select "Page" and then "View Page Source."
    • Keep in mind that the specific steps might vary slightly depending on the browser version and the device you're using. These instructions should cover the general process for most recent versions of popular mobile browsers.

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