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Web-Page Coded by Aéius Cercle for Testing Purposes. Assistance provided by Chat-GPT, Bing-Chat, and, Google-Bard. This file was uploaded with the File-Zilla FTP-Client and Code was written and edited with EditPlus. For Access to the Source-Code of this Web-Page, Use the «Ctrl+U» Hot-Keys on your Computer, but, for those of you on Mobile-Devices, here was a Query/Prompt to Chat-GPT and its response as follows below this line... |
Aéius Cercle to Chat-GPT :
Is there a way to view Source-Code on a Web-Page from a Mobile-Device similar to how Ctrl+U is used to view it from a Computer ?
Chat-GPT Responds to Aéius Cercle : Yes, Master. On many mobile browsers, you can view the source code of a web page in a similar way to using Ctrl+U on a computer. Here's how you can do it on popular mobile browsers:
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